The major important events in the life of Bhagavan Mahavira from the age of eight to the twenty-eighth are the following :- (1) marriage with Yasoda, the daughter of a feudatory king Samaravira; (2) birth of a daughter named Priyadarsana and (3) the final fast unto death by his parents. The illustration depicts a scene from his domestic life. King Siddhartha and queen Trisala are seated at the centre, with Priyadarsana seated on her lap. To their right are seated Nandivardhana, the elder brother and Bhagavan Mahavira, with a haloround his head and a scroll of palm-leaf manuscript in front. To their left are the wives of Nandi-vardhana and prince Vardhamina. It is evening and after the recitation of scriptures, the customary prayers, accompanied by music have commenced. The musicians are seated facing the king and the queen.

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