The origin of the Damru has been attributed to great antiquity
and its significance in Indian mythology has been cemented
upon by scholars. Damru is associated with Lord Shiva in Hindu
mythology.It is said that Lord Shiva played Damru at the time
of tandem-nritya. The Damru is also represented as an attribute
of Shiva Natraja in ancient sculptures.
The shape of the Damru is like an hour-glass.Its length varies
from six inches tom one foot. The body of the instrument
is made of wooden hour-glass shaped shell with two skin-heads
laced to the body by cotton rope or tarsier thread. A small
ball of metal or cork is attached to a string which is bound
round the narrow waist of the drum over the braces connecting
the two heads.
The Damru is used for accompanying devotional and ritualistic
folk music. Generally ,it is used by mendicants snake
charmers, gypsies and jugglers.
& Address of Performing Folk Musician:-
Ishwargar L.Goswami.
Add:- Dhingeshwar Tample, Near Kutch
Museum, Bhuj-(Kutch).
& Address of Artisan who makes the Musical Instrument:-
Rajaram M. Solanki,
Add:- (Tabala Repairer)Pareshwar Chowk, Bhuj-(Kutch).
Jitendra R. Solanki,
Add:- Bharat Vajintra Center, Nagar Chakla,