Disha, daughter of Mr.V.R.Dedhia of Bidada, born with God Gifted talents and beauty. When she was 3 years old she took part in the fancy dress competition as a Fairy. At that time her parents realised that she is very much interested in activities like acting, dancing, singing, drawing etc besides studies. She took part in various competition in school and won prizes. In 3rd & 4th standard she was made a teacher on the Teachers Day and she handled the whole class perfectly according to the period. Her performance is so attractive that all programme organizing persons recommends her name. In 1998 on Mahavir jayanti she performed a group dance taught by 15 years old girl. On 15th February 1999, she sung a song "Chhado Kal Ki Baatein"in a programme held in Bhaidas Hall and leading pair in group dance on a song "Kahin Karta Hoga",she has even played a role of old lady in a drama"Gutlibaaj" directed by Vasant.Maru. The drama was played in Damodar Hall on 30th January 2000 and Kalidas Hall on 31th January 2000. Every year she wins prizes and certificates from school and Bidada Education Society.God has gifted her with beauty also.She has long beautiful hair to attract any one attention.


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