informations about hiral
Hiral Jayant Haria daughter of Bharati & Jayant Khimji Haria of Halapur has reached the greater heights of achievements at a very small age. She was born on 9th March, 1990 and is studing in fifth standard. The sportsmenship hidden in her was introduced at the young age of 6. To gain a international fame at the age of 10 is not every body's cup of tea. But Hiral has made it possible her endless efforts and the blessings of the elders. The list of her few achivements are listed in the Achievements page. To upbring this talent even more it the duty our Kutchi Society to not only appreciate her but also sponsor her internationally.Her aim is to either became an Astronaut or a Space Scientist. The
kind ones interested in sponsoring this small little talented girl can
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