l Surname - Gala (Native place Sadu)
l Mataji's Name - Vishal Mata
l Wedding Juwar

During the weeding juwar the Dev (Devara) wake for 2 nights.

l Item required
1)    5.25 patti (10.5 kg.) laapsi
2)    2.5 patti (5 kg.) jugri
3)    2.5 patti (5 kg.)  talpinda
l Procedure:  

The devara have to given bath and the jini;s have to be changed on both the days and the items have to be prepared as mentioned above.

l Note:    

1)    For the first son's or daughter marriaqge, on the marriage day 5 kg. laapsi is prepared.


2)    For the second son's or daughter's marriage, on the marriage day 2.5 kg. laapsi is prepared.

l Procedure for chheda chhedi:

Chheda chhedi is untied in front of Ramdevpar in Faradi.  Prasad offering is done of 1.25 kg.